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See the latest TRAILER  & MUST WATCH Featurette

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Time to Fight!

Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot opens in theaters July 4th. You can also get another sneak peek on Juneteenth (June 19th @ 6:00PM) at participating theaters nationwide. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to engage our local community in the rising national conversation focusing on the Adoption and Foster Care Crisis. Please share and get the word out about this movie. It is more important than ever before for our community to #Fight4Kids.


Local Foster Crisis

Data from our local CBC (Community Based Care Agency) shows that in our area of North Central Florida we have over 800 children in the foster care system with only 140 licensed foster homes. Nationwide there are over 400,00 churches. Through Church and community involvement, we can end the crisis in our community!

Forever Homes

That same data also shows that we have 80+ children waiting to be adopted and find their place in a loving forever home. God is speaking to the hearts in our community. Is He speaking to you to foster, adopt, or support those who are?


Local Foster & Adoption Info:

Learn more about foster care or adoption:
HopePartner@pfsf.org, 352-244-1615

Virtual info session to learn more about foster care and adoption:
Recruitment Info Sessions – Partnership For Strong Families (pfsf.org)

Foster Care:
Foster Care – Partnership For Strong Families (pfsf.org)

 Become An Adoptive Family – Partnership For Strong Families (pfsf.org)

Other Ways to Support

Want to support those fostering and adopting in tangible ways and by being the hands and feet of Jesus? Learn more about CarePortal, an exciting technology that is streamlining the way we help vulnerable children and families in our community.

Whether you are a church, business, community organization, or individual, there is an important role for you on the network.

Click HERE to see how it works!

CarePortal is a Care-sharing technology that drives action for local children and families in crisis.

1 million tickets for 100k forgotten kids

Every Child Needs a Home
There are about 100,000 children in the US foster system who are waiting to be adopted. While they wait, they live in multiple temporary foster houses.
When these children age out of the system before finding a permanent family, the majority of them experience devastating outcomes involving addiction, homelessness, and incarceration.
Help us send a loud message that "There should never be a child without a home."


Explore powerful, real-time opportunities for your church to serve others and express its faith through action.

Thank you again for your support. Together, we can create lasting change, city-by-city, community-by-community.

Questions? Call 321-230-3903 or Click Here to email your local North Central Florida CarePortal Regional Manager.